Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Fantabulous Traveling Steampunk Yarnbombs' third birthday

The Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb is a collaborative guerilla art project featuring the work of steampunks, artists and craft people from far and wide. Some of you may have read about it in my last blog post here. It aims to inspire people to make, experiment and have their work shown together in a playful and thought provoking way, getting involved is more important than skills or expertise. 
For those of you not already aware of guerrilla craft, graffitti knitting and yarnbombing they are acts of craft and art in public that take back spaces as joyful and playful places for the everyone to express themselves in visually, as opposed to the images we are used to seeing in public spaces in advertising, this project is steampunk themed but there are all sorts of projects out there you can get involved with all over the world or just go make something and put it out there.

the Fantabulous Traveling Steampunk Yarnbomb is now 3 years old and has taken on a life of its own. The yarn bomb went off travelling with the lovely people at Ornamentology and was picked up, shouted about and carted about by the fantastic Jo and Si who run Leeds Steampunk market. All these lovely people took it to lots of festivals all over the u.k

If you would like to make a piece to contribute, display the yarn bomb at a festival or event, or just follow what’s going on and watch its travels as it grows can join the facebook group the pinterest page and there’s a communal inspiration pinterest board. Please do check the criteria on the Facebook group or email me at before making a piece to check it’ll fit the health and safety standards, they're very simple but it will mean we can definitely show your piece.

So without further ado, here are all the pieces sent in so far, please do check out everyones links and see what else they do.

Jane White

Sandi Cowles

Patricia Cook (my Nanny)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


This year we had a very small Imbolc ritual just for Bear and me, the snow was absolutely beautiful (and meant we didn't need to use the snow we saved in the freezer at yule for this ritual.)

We got frozen soil from the veg patch and gave it 3 golden eggs to symbolise the cycle of birth, life and death over the year, or maiden, mother and crone if you follow the goddess, added the hare of the spring wreath to look after it all while we slept and dug a hole for the candle.

We lit the candle to warm the soil ready for spring and seeing as Imbolc is all about the earth/godess being pregnant (it's thought that the word Imbolc comes from "ewes milk" or "in the belly") we said a wish for a couple we both love very much who are planning a family. 

I also made my parents a Brigids cross but unfortunately I didn't get a photo, it was weaved from the Goji berry tree we're growing in the garden and if you hang it in your attic it's supposed to protect from lightning and fire, which seems oddly specific, which I like.

I also made sure to feed the birds that visit my garden, I'm definitely turning into my Pa. This pigeon is my favourite, I don't know if he goes anywhere else for food at the moment but he shouts at me when I come out the house if it's empty, but flies off when I get close enough to actually fill it up, then sits in the tree shooting at me until I go away.

I love this little line of pigeons that come and roost on our neighbours roof, they look so funny sat in a line like that.


Happy Imbolc everyone, hope you're all enjoying the snow and flowers starting to come through.
Love and cake

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